November 04, 2004

Ode to American English

"Ode to American English" by Barbara Hamby, from Babel © University of Pittsburgh Press.

I was missing English one day, American, really,
with its pill-popping Hungarian goulash of everything
from Anglo-Saxon to Zulu, because British English
is not the same, if the paperback dictionary
I bought at Brentano's on the Avenue de l'Opera
is any indication, too cultured by half. Oh, the English
know their dahlias, but what about doowop, donuts,
Dick Tracy, Tricky Dick? With their elegant Oxfordian
accents, how could they understand my yearning for the hotrod,
hotdog, hot flash vocabulary of the U. S. of A.,
the fragmented fandango of Dagwood's everyday flattening
of Mr. Beasley on the sidewalk, fetuses floating
on billboards, drive-by monster hip-hop stereos shaking
the windows of my dining room like a 7.5 earthquake,
Ebonics, Spanglish, "you know" used as comma and period,
the inability of 90% of the population to get the past perfect:
I have went, I have saw, I have tooken Jesus into my heart,
the battle cry of the Bible Belt, but no one uses
the King James anymore, only plain-speak versions,
in which Jesus, raising Lazarus from the dead, says,
"Dude, wake up," and the L-man bolts up like a B-movie
mummy, "Whoa, I was toasted." Yes, ma'am,
I miss the mongrel plentitude of American English, its fall-guy,
rat-terrier, dog-pound neologisms, the bomb of it all,
the rushing River Jordan backwoods mutability of it, the low-rider,
boom-box cruise of it, from New Joisey to Ha-wah-ya
with its sly dog, malasada-scarfing beach blanket lingo
to the ubiquitous Valley Girl's like-like stuttering,
shopaholic rant. I miss its quotidian beauty, its querulous
back-biting righteous indignation, its preening rotgut
flag-waving cowardice. Suffering Succotash, sputters
Sylvester the Cat; sine die, say the pork-bellied legislators
of the swamps and plains. I miss all those guys, their Tweety-bird
resilience, their Doris Day optimism, the candid unguent
of utter unhappiness on every channel, the midnight televangelist
euphoric stew, the junk mail, voice mail vernacular.
On every boulevard and rue I miss the Tarzan cry of Johnny
Weismueller, Johnny Cash, Johnny B. Goode,
and all the smart-talking, gum-snapping hard-girl dialogue,
finger-popping x-rated street talk, sports babble,
Cheetoes, Cheerios, chili dog diatribes. Yeah, I miss them all,
sitting here on my sidewalk throne sipping champagne
verses lined up like hearses, metaphors juking, nouns zipping
in my head like Corvettes on Dexadrine, French verbs
slitting my throat, yearning for James Dean to jump my curb.


Anonymous Anonymous shared an opinion...

Hi, I saw your post on Go Fug Yourself.

I have nothing profound to say except I am also a lingustics lover. And a librarian! Ha!


9:31 pm  
Blogger Проект ДЧ shared an opinion...

Are all the things listed really something to be proud of? Basically, the things enumerated are a far from being complete list of American stupidities!

11:52 am  
Blogger Rich Rosenthal II shared an opinion...

When people decry the poverty of American culture I'll ahve to point them to this piece. And its not a list of stupidity but a writers ability to see and hear the beauty of reality. reminds me of william carlos williams' introduction to allen ginsberg's "howl" where he says poets are damned but they see with the eyes of angels.

12:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous shared an opinion...

Okay, Mischa Tch., I truly hope you're not a teacher. I can't even read what you wrote here. Are you opposed to this passage or in agreement? Can't tell. Get some grammar, girl!

3:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous shared an opinion...

she just put the a in the wrong spot... its supposed to read "are far from being a complete"

11:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous shared an opinion...

love it. i'm reading this for a final round of a poetry reading.

5:14 pm  
Anonymous devhtuck shared an opinion...

As an English teacher, I decry all the "Americanisms" listed; however, as a lover of linguistics, I relish our verbal diversity.

2:40 pm  
Blogger Kimmie shared an opinion...

I really think it's a good piece of work and American culture.

8:13 am  

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